Because of the Internet, cat and dog owners are more knowledgeable about taking care of their four-legged family members than before. After all, having instant access to a plethora of important information makes it much easier to understand your cat or dog. Still, though, quite a few animal owners don't realize that several common household items could hurt their furry family members. Almost everyone is aware that chocolate and human medications are toxic to pets, but several other things are just as hazardous. With this month being National Pet Poison Prevention Month, it's a fantastic time to learn more about common yet lesser-known hazards. Continue reading to discover a couple of household items you may not know could hurt your furry family member.
You might not know xylitol by its name, but you likely have it somewhere in your home. This artificial sweetener is used in many sugar-free foods and snacks, especially candy and chewing gum. Unfortunately, this ingredient is not very sweet for pets. When ingested, xylitol could cause an extreme drop in blood sugar levels and potentially fatal liver damage. With food manufacturers using this ingredient more often, it's showing up in new products regularly. Even certain peanut butter contains xylitol. Be sure to read labels before giving your feline friend or canine companion human food!
Raisins and grapes are delicious and wholesome treats for you and your kids, but they are unsafe for pets. Research has not revealed why these fruits are so poisonous to companion animals, but consuming just one or two raisins or grapes can cause renal failure.
If you have indoor plants, keep them out of your pet's reach. A lot of popular indoor plants are poisonous to pets, and they cause everything from mild digestive upset to organ failure and death. Dracaena, philodendrons, snake plants, and aloe are just a few examples of houseplants that are dangerous to pets.
If you ever have any reason to think your furry friend might have swallowed or been exposed to a toxic/poisonous substance, seek help promptly. Your pet requires an exam even if they are not showing symptoms. For additional information, contact the Pet Poison Helpline.
If you are searching for a skilled mobile veterinarian in Los Angeles, Family Veterinary, Inc. is here for you. Our veterinarians provide both preventative care and treatment for illnesses and will help your furry friend in any way possible. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment.
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